Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cover of the Week for 11-2-11

Happy New Comic Day! Have you hit your lcs yet to pick up books? Some of you probably have and I'm sure those who haven't are dying to do so. To tide you over, I introduce one of my weekly features, "Cover of the Week." Who doesn't love to browse the covers of the weekly releases? If you don't, well I don't know what to tell you. So every Wednesday, after I hit my lcs or checking the covers online, I will pick the cover that stood out the most. I'll post the image as well as some info on the book including my thoughts on the cover and/or the book itself. There could be any number of factors at play for this, so don't think you can predict my choices. Well, you can try, but yeah.

After perusing the covers for this week, which included plenty of nice choices, I have chosen the cover to Boom Studio's Elric: The Balance Lost #5A.  The credit to this great piece goes to series' artist Francesco Biagini.

I actually have not read this series and have no knowledge of anything happening within it except for the issue summaries I just read. I like the facial expression on our guy here. Look at the eyes and the grin. The sword looks great too. The aspect I think truly sets it off is the contrast from one side to the other. The lighter portion into the darker side. And it has the perfect touch of red. Lovely piece. As I've stated, I have no previous knowledge of this series, but this cover has enticed me to check it out. Plus, it's fantasy setting is not something that's been apart of my regular reading. So there you have it.

But wait, there's more. As this is the debut edition of this feature, I figured I'd add in my runner-up. This week also sees the release of Hack Slash #9. It wasn't alone though. Fans get their pick with the other choice being the piece below which features Cassie, Bomb Queen, Dr. Weir, and April Fool.

Why this cover? Because it looks good and it was drawn by wonderful artist Kristin Allen. You can catch more of Allen's art at or follow her on twitter @FoxyArt.

Like either of these choices? Or have another pick? All (well most) comments are always welcome. Thanks for looking.

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